
Don’t let anyone abuse your corporate name or the name of your goods or services. By registering for a federal trademark, you protect yourself against the possibility that an inferior product will damage your reputation or your profitability. PFS101.COM can help you quickly and easily obtain federal trademark protection in just 3 easy steps.


If your work is not protected by a copyright, it can be copied and used by anyone, without your consent. If you are the creator of an original literary, musical or artistic work, such as a book, song or photograph, PFS101.COM can help you quickly and efficiently register it for federal copyright protection .


You’ve invested time, talent and energy into developing a winning invention. Now, it’s time to make sure it’s protected. Filing a provisional patent application through PFS101.COM is easy and inexpensive. Best of all, a provisional patent gives your invention a priority filing date with the U.S. Patent Office and allows you to be “patent pending” for a full year.

This means that you are able to discuss your invention with others, evaluate its commercial potential and seek funding, all while fully protected. And if you’ve invested time and energy into developing a unique appearance for an item that can be manufactured, protect it with a Design Patent.

PFS101.COM makes it easy and affordable to obtain a full Design Patent from the U.S. Patent Office. All you need to do is answer a few questions online, provide PFS101.COM with some sketches or photos, and they’ll take care of the rest.

Not everyone will have the same results. Results will defer for each person.

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